Let us tell your story
Content, native & programmatic
Joyvoy Studio creates successful native campaigns that make you look like the star you are.

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The essence of it all
Joyvoy Studio has created successful and effective native campaigns for a wide range of clients in the lifestyle, destination and travel segments. (You can see some of our customer cases further down the page.) We work on the premise that whoever knows their subject delivers the best campaign.
That's why we stay within our niche - that's what we know best. We only work with experienced, topic specific journalists and copy writers and this shows in the quality and reading time of the native articles that we publish.
Just so you know
This is why native advertising is awesome
People are used to ads, or rather tired of them, often to the extent that they have become blind to them. The native ad, on the other hand, is seen as a natural part of the medium in which it appears, even if it is labeled as an ad. The design increases the credibility of the content, which creates greater familiarity and engagement than other ads.
A native article must provide real value to the reader. It is important not to let the reader off the hook with substandard or overly complicated content. This, of course, requires quality. The ambition must be as high for a native article as for editorial content. If not even higher.
Native ads have 53% higher perceived visibility than classic ads.*
Native ads have 8.8 times higher CTR (click through rate) than regular ads.*
* According to a report by the research company Lumen
True thing
Programmatic advertising is super smart
In the past, the focus was on reaching the reader on a certain website, nowadays it's about reaching the right target group regardless of where they are. Instead of buying a fixed ad spot, your ad will appear all over the national media - but only appear where your desired target group surfs.
You can decide for yourself if you are looking for the greatest possible reach, longest reading times, or, for example, if you only want to appear on "premium sites", in a limited geographical area, in several languages or outside Sweden's borders.
Total transparency
With programmatic advertising, it is also possible to follow the campaign in real time and make adjustments continuously to constantly improve the results. Because native articles reach recipients who are usually more interested in your topic, conversion rates also increase significantly, often by as much as 60 percent*.
* According to a report by the research company Lumen
German Tourist Office
Task: To market six regions in northern Germany as good alternatives for a road trip from southern Sweden. We created a micro site on joyvoy.se with articles, travel guides and theme guides equally distributed between the regions.
Traffic was driven with programmatic advertising via banners in the national media to the destination guides. We monitored and managed carefully so that the regions received an equal number of visits and long reading time.
Promotion period: Spring 2022
Markets: South of Sweden and the Stockholm region.
Average reading time (37 articles): 2-4 min

Polar caravans
Task: Polar wanted to implement a native campaign with programmatic advertising to reposition itself in the market. They wanted families with children and the target group 40+ to discover this holiday option to an even greater extent. The campaign was successfully marketed in the national media and social media according to the set target group.
Promotion period: Spring 2022
Markets: Sweden
Average reading time: Ca 2 min